Did the angels stand
In silent wonder
While the cosmos
Held its breath,
Watching while the
King of Glory
Stepped into mere
Mortal flesh?
Did the message
Angels delivered
Make them wonder
At God’s ways?
A virgin mother
A poor man father
Called to parent
The Ancient of Days.
While angels sang
And declared
His birth—Immanuel
Now God with man.
Did they wonder
How Flesh and Glory
Came to take
His rightful stand?
Did they wonder
That God eternal
Descended to the
Mortal realm,
Giving up His
Rightful rule
Embraced a cross
And thorny crown?
Did they weep
While watching Savior
Crucified a
Criminal’s death,
And looked in horror
Not understanding
When Jesus drew
His last earthly breath?
And when His
Glory—life eternal
Burst the bonds
Of death and sin,
Did the angels
Sing, rejoicing
Knowing now
The WAY for men?
Do the angels
Still sing, rejoice
When one lost soul
Finds new life?
For they have watched
Since time beginning
How Creator came
For man to die.