God Says You Are:
Adopted and Adored
Beloved and Beautiful
Cherished and Comforted
Delightful and Desired
Enjoyable and Enigmatic
Faithful and Fabulous
Generous and Gregarious
Heartfelt and Hopeful
Ingenious and Included
Joyful and Justified
Kind and Known
Loved and Likeable
Marvelous and Mysterious
Named and Nurtured
Open-hearted and Optimistic
Passionate and Playful
Queenly with a Quiet spirit
Righteous and Royal
Sanctified and God’s Saint
Thoughtful and Thankful
Unique and Understood
Victorious and Valued
Wanted and Wonderfully made
Xtra Special
Youthful and Yielded
God says you are His beloved one. You are all of this and MORE!
(By: Melanie Boutiette, circa April 15, 2021.)
Written with such Zeal sweet sister!